Thursday, July 10, 2008


The following is an index of "Macro" (broad-ranging) and "Micro" (single issue)-oriented books, articles, etc. which have greatly contributed to my understanding of *what is going on* and may assist those coming into awareness; (note: this is not a complete bibliography of my independent studies, as it is only the pile that I've kept for reference work)

general demystification
book titles NOTED while browsing (could be excellent)

architects of policy:

"Towards a Renovated International System" by the Trilateral Commission (a private N.American-European-Japanese Initiative on Matters of Concern; (original subtitle?)); 1977.

_The Crisis of Democracy: Report on the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission_; Michel J. Crozier,
Samuel P. Huntington (aka Frank G. Thomson), Joji Watanuki; 1975 p.6-9; 74-77; 90-95; 112-115 (Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale
were members, source: Stenographers To Power, p.46 (see above); started by David Rockefeller, writes Michael Parenti in previous source, p.46)

Are We All Nazis? by Holocaust survivor Hans Askenasy; 1978

_Stenographers To Power: Media and Propaganda_; edited, interviews by David Barsamian; 1992 see: Ben Bagdikian,
Chomsky, Mark Hetrsgaard, Alexander Cockburn; p. 30-35, 42-47, 64-69; 72-73, 88-91; 122-123; 172-177; 188-89;

Understanding Power (with Chomsky), edited by P.R. Mitchell and J. Schoeffel

books by Noam Chomsky:
Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Western Democracies
Deterring Democracy
various books and lots of articles

The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills

The Praetorian Guard by John Stockwell


Science of Coercion by Christopher Simpson (focus 1945-1960) p.16-30, 34-35; 42-47; 68-69; 94-95; 106-117

edited by Bud and Ruth Schultz: It Did Happen Here
The Price of Dissent, 2001
(includes excellent insights by Paul Robeson's son)

Agents of Repression (illegal f.b.i. methods against BP, AIM) by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall p.32-37; 390-391

American Ground Zero by Carole Gallagher

The Making of a Counter Culture: Reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition
by Theodore Roszak; Doubleday, 1969

Witch Hunt: The Revival of Heresy by Carey McWilliams; Little, Brown, 1950 p.235-290; 300-303, 316-321, 334-340;

Renaissance and the Reformation by Henry S. Lucas

Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches by Marvin Harris; p.225, 234-240; 243-245

The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry Into the Salem Witch Trials by Marion L. Starkey, 1969, 1989 p.14, 34, 40-48

general demystification:

Freedom and Beyond by John Holt

The Human Situation; The Art of Seeing; Brave New World--REVISITED by Aldous Huxley

Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jacques Ellul 1965

Escape From Freedom, by Erich Fromm

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Book of Secrets, Volume 1, 2 (talks by Osho)

Out of Weakness: Healing the Wounds That Drive Us To War; by Andrew Bard Schmookler; 1988

War At Home: Covert Action Against US Activists and What We Can Do About It by Brian Glick, South End Press; 1990

Asclepius At Syracuse (note: most are chapters by others supporting Thomas Szasz's work) p. 47(?), 64-85, 74, 87, 108, 129, 131, 272, 275,
276, 283, 285, 298, 299334, 338, 341, 362; authors include Leon J. Kamin, David W. Moller, Walter A. Sedelow, Jr., David O. Friedrichs,
Raymond Wolfe, Larry W. Riggs, Anne Hudson Jones, Ronald Boostrom.

Thomas Szasz: Primary Values, Major Contentions; edited by Richard E. Vatz, Ph.D and Lee S. Weinberg, Ph.D.

American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, klansmen, communists and others by John George and Laird Wilcox; Prometheus Books;
Amherst, NY 1996 quote by Stalin; "then they came for me" quote attributed to Martin Niemoller; Zion Protocols a fabrication p. 410.
p.17-19, 24; 395-96, 408, 410, 416


Noam Chomsky: "An Exchange on Liberal Scholarship" and many other excellent articles on AND
"Liberating the Mind from Orthodoxies":
"The Crisis of Democracy" June 1977 excerpts from "The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality" in: _Radical Priorities_ (Black Rose, 1981) p. 158-164
"Who Runs America?" interview with Chomsky by Adrian Zupp
"Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda" and many many other articles by Noam Chomsky
"Education is Ignorance" excerpt from _Class Warfare_ by Chomsky; p. 19-23, 27-31. (See also a book that Chomsky apparently wrote about education in the u.s.a.)

"Ideology and the Human Sciences: Some Comments on the Role of Reification In Psychology and Psychiatry"
by David Ingleby

David Barsamian's Alternative Radio catalogue, winter 1999-2000 especially Gene Wars: The Politics of Biotechnology
by Kristin Dawkins

Wake Up, America!!! excerpted from _Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology_ by Howard Zinn

Dealing With Idealists ( )
excerpted from _Toxic Sludge is Good for You!_ by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton; Common Courage Press

Is the Extremist Right Entirely Wrong? by Barbara Dority in "The Humanist", p. 12-15 Nov./Dec. 1995

Direct Action by Voltarine De Cleyre (1866-1912) ( )

The Open Truth and Fiery Vehemence of Youth by Peter Marin
(excerpted from _The Movement Toward a New America: The Beginnings of a Long Revolution_, edited by Mitchell Goodman)


My Life as a Radical Lawyer by William M. Kunstler, with Sheila Isenberge; Citadel Press, NJ; 1996

Prime Time Activism by Charlotte Ryan

Tom Hayden: Rebellion and Repression "The First Hard Times Book", 1969; Meridian, NY p.12-15.

A Testament of Hope (with Martin Luther King, Jr.) edited by James M. Washington; Harper & Row, 1986 especially the Playboy interview

The Myth of the Hyperactive Child: And Other Means of Child Control by Peter Schrag and Diane Divoky; 1975 appendix p. 230-235;

And They Call It Help by Louise Armstrong

Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues; Second Edition; editors: Joseph Rubinstein, Brent D. Slife
Dushkin Publishing Group (textbook) 0-87967-383-4

Coercion: Why We Listen To What "They" Say, by Douglas Rushkoff

On Our Own: Patient-Controlled Alternatives to the Mental Health System by Judi Chamberlin; 1978 p. 86-87; 92-97; 102-103

Dr. Thomas Szasz, MD:
Ideology and Insanity
The Theology of Medicine
and a few others

Making Us Crazy by Kutchins and Kirk

Reality Police: The Experience of Insanity in America by Anthony Brandt, NY, 1975 p.24, 25.

The Learning Mystique: A Critical Look at 'Learning Disabilities' by Gerald Coles; Ballantine; NY, 1987, 89

A Divided Self on anti-psychiatrist, R.D. Laing by one of his sons

The Politics of Experience by R.D. Laing

Cop To Call Girl by Norma Jean Almodovar

Let Them Call Me Rebel, a biography of Saul Alynsky by Sanford D. Horwitt; 1989(?)

Never Guilty, Never Free by Ginny Foat (past NOW pres in CA)

XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography by Karen McElroy

On The Run by Philip Agee

Stickman by Paola Igliori (interviews with John Trudell)

Loudhawk: The United States Vs the American Indian Movement
by Ken Stern; (?)University of Oklahoma Press (?), 1994
generally p. 26-279 (more details of the war against AIM than other sources I've found)

Where White Men Fear to Tread by Russell Means (with Autonomous Chapters of AIM)

Ward Churchill: Indians Are Us?

Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic: Osho edited by S. C. Neiman; St. Martin's Griffin, NY (????)

Race interviews edited by Studs Terkel

East Timor's Unfinished Struggle by Constancio Pinto

America's Boy: A Century of Colonialism in the Philippines by James Hamilton-Paterson

Exploding the Gene Myth

Toxic Psychiatry by Peter Breggin

Escape From Childhood: The Needs and Rights of Children by John Holt

Birthrights by Gerald Farson Macmillan; NY, 1974

The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How To Quit School and Get A Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn;
Lowry House, 1991

Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture by Arthur Evans; 1978 (a Fag Rag book)

Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for Highschool and College Students edited by Kevin Jennings

First Do No Harm: The Sexual Abuse Industry by Felicity Goodyear-Smith ISBN: 0-86470-047-4

Paedophilia: The Radical Case by Tom O'Carroll


Victims and Survivors: The Nazi Persecution of the Jews in The Netherlands, 1940-45 by Bob Moore St. Martin's Press; NY, 1997 p. 50-161

Battallion 101, Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning (on nonprofessional assasinations of Jewish citizens)

Do Not Go Gentle: A Memoir of Jewish Resistance in Poland, 1941-45 by Charles Gellman; Archon Books, 1989

People Without Government: An Anthropology of Anarchism by Harold Barclay

Portrait of a Cold Warrior: Second Thoughts of a Top CIA Agent by Joseph P. Smith, Putnam, 1976
(very pro-cia, note comments on P. Agee, p.435, 436)

Police Anti-Drug Tactics: New Approaches and Applications by Deborah Lamm Weisel "supported by the
National Institute of Justice"; Police Executive Research Forum


"Underage Unions: Child Laborers Speak Up" by Sarah Bachman in Nov/Dec 2000 Mother Jones magazine, p.25
(a history of child labor unions, Praveen Kumar and his 14,000 all-under-17 member union)

"Science vs Orthodoxy: Anatomy of the congressional condemnation of a scientific article and reflections
on remedies for future
ideological attacks" by Bruce Rind, R. Bauserman, P. Tromovich; "Applied & Preventative Psychology" 9:211-225 (2000).
Cambridge University Press

articles in Covert Action Quarterly (mag), Winter 2001, p. 21-23

pamphlets from False Memory Foundation and (see "Q and A about Memories of
Abuse") AND "Stop the Rape of Women's Minds" by Parents Against Cruel Therapy (217)359-2190

"Restraint Common at Desert Hills" (on teenagers coerced inside psych prisons);
Sunday, Feb11, 12, 13, 19, 22; Arizona Daily Star, Tucson. (see also
"The institutional maltreatment of children described in this book is condemned by international law, so it's time
for Americans to ask: What is our government doing about this? --Howard Davidson, Dir. ABA Center on Children & the Law)

"Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF" (2 pages, listing)

"83 Years of Iraqi rebellion against British/U.S. dominance of Middle East (Facts the media is not allowed to report)" by (3 pages, listing)

"Homeless Family Tapes Police Encounters" by Josh Keen Apr, 2000, p.8 an un-named Portland homeless newspaper

a June, 1997 copy of the more radical homeless paper, "The Burnside Cadillac"

miscellaneous from "The New American" magazine (john birch oriented, rightist; no freedom to challenge them allowed)

anti-Martin Luther King, Jr flyer full of character assasination attempts; 1986

"Atomic Guinea Pigs" NY Times Magazine, Aug.31, 1997 p.38; and "Hazardous Oatmeal", p.42

"Today's Military Mission: Take the Environment By Force" (see sub-heading: "Radioactive 'Accidents') by Trey Smith; in "The
Oregon Peaceworker", Oct, 1997, p.8

"American Eugenics and the Nazi Regime" by Thais in "Profane Existence" mag, summer 2000, p.27

Fully Informed Jury Assoc pamphlet (FIJA 1-800-TEL-JURY)

"Curing the Therapeutic State: Thomas Szasz on the medicalization of American life" interview by Jacob Sullum;
REASON mag, July 2000

"Cover-ups, Politics, and Forensics" with Dr.Michael M. Baden, former chief medical examiner for NY City, and author of
Unnatural Death
--Confessions of a Medical Examiner

"The Secret Wars of the CIA" by John Stockwell, 1989; Other Americas Radio, Santa Barbara, CA; (audio and text)

"Eye-witness Report from Haudenosaunee Conflict, by Ishgooda; Apr21, '97; in "Warrior Spirit: An Electronic Journal for Native
Americans and Their Supporters"

Q/A following the Massey Lectures, Dec. 1988 with Noam Chomsky and mainline Canadian Press reporters; CBC (audio and text)
(zmag's online version entirely skips Gene Allen of the "Globe and Mail"--about two whole pages of text)

Peter Duesberg on "Exposing the Lies of the HIV-AIDS Fraud; pamphlet

"A Torture Survivor Speaks Out: An Interview with Dong Tizon" by Monica Garreton in "The Voice"
(of the Illinois Disciples Foundation)

"Everyone is Able: Exploding the Myth of Learning Disabilities" by John Holt Associates (Cambridge, MA)
booklet compiled from Growing Without Schooling magazine

article on military manuvers in city without citizen knowledge; Pittsburgh Gazette, June 1996 (note)

"Empowerment means [re]gaining control of your life" by Judi Chamberlin, p. 6; in National Empowerment Center, Inc Newsletter

"The Politics of Biological Determinism: What argument against social change could be more effective than the claim that established
orders exist as an accurate reflection of innate intellectual capacities?" by Stephen Jay Gould in "RETHINKING SCHOOLS";
1999/2000 p.7

"On the Advantages of Disreputable Action" by Johannes Sabat in Earthfirst!, March-April 2000, p. 21

Part 1 and 2 of interview with activist Judi Bari in "Terrain: Northern California's Environmental Magazine", June 1996 and previous issue

"Central America: Environment Under Fire" in ACERCA (Action for Community and Ecology in the Regions of South America) (no date, page listed)

"Evading the Transformation of Reality: Engaged Buddhism at an Impasse" by Ken Knabb (

"The Thought" newspaper serving the Black community in Central and Northern Illinois

Sue Poole on psychiatry (various articles from a dissenting viewpoint) including "The Criteria of What Works
and for Whom" Part 1 and 2

"The lies we are told" by Doreen Miller columnist (US)

"Draft and Military Resistance to the Vietnam War: We Ain't Marching Anymore" by Andy Mager in Community Times newspaper,
Aug. 2000, Vol7, no.8; POB 3125, West Lafayette, IN 47996 p.1, 7 (originally printed in "The Nonviolent Activist") see:

various FPS articles (voice of the 1970s youth liberation movement in the alternative press, i.e. Ann Arbor (MI) Youth Liberation)

various from "New Youth Connections" ISSN 0737-285X

"Gang Bang: Exploding the myths in [film] 'Indian Posse'" by Dimitri Katadotis (in un-noted Canadian newsprint paper)

"Chuck D" (the rap artist) interview by Nathan Rabin in "The Onion", vol.37, no.22, June 14-20, 2001, p. 15-17 (cover feature)

articles by Bob Black

articles by Feral Faun

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed all back issues from #8 to present

"The IQ Ideology" by S. Bowles and H. Gintis in: This Magazine is About Schools Vol. 6, #4, Winter 1972-73 p.48-62

Letters section on cults, with editorial reply Communities Magazine, Winter, 1995, #89

Reginald Major on re-writing Black Panther history "The Black Scholar" (journal) Vol. 26, #1; p.49 POB 2869 Oakland, CA 94609

"The Reality of Being A Rosenberg" in The Cultural Studies Times Fall 1995, Vol. 1 #3; p.3

Campus Surveillance by Verne Lyon (in un-named newsprint paper)

fbi and libraries:
Wilson Library Bulletin: Apr. 1992, Vol. 66 #8, p. 69
Library Journal, 2-1-91; Vol 116, #2, p.54
American Libraries, March 1990; Vol 21 #3, p.245 "The Fbi and You"
Nature Magazine, 11-16-1989, p.217 (interference with libraries criticized)
NY Times, 11-7-1989, p. A1 by Johnston, D.

"From Cornflakes to Clitoridectomies: The heavy-handed history of masturbation control" by Bill Andriette, in The Guide
( 11-1990, p.92-96


Waco: The Rules of Engagement (on massacre of the Branch Davidians)
The Burning Season
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
All below can be found via the National Film Board of Canada
My Name is Kahentiiosta
Acts of Defiance
Flooding Jobs Garden (1991)
To Canada With Love and Some Misgivings (1993)

book titles NOTED while browsing (could be excellent):

The Child Savers: The Invention of Delinquency by Anthony Platt (1970s)

_We Are Not You_ by Claude Denis; 1997

The Taming of the Troops: Social Control in the United States Army. Contributors: Lawrence B. Radine - author.
Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Publication Year: 1977. Chapter on 'paternalist control' by professionals: Page: 54.

Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail by Piven, Frances Fox and Richard A. Cloward

How the Rural Poor Got Power by Wellstone

Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare by Leonard G. Horowitz (author of _Emerging Viruses: AIDS &
Accident Or Intentional?_) Tetrahedon Publishing


sandy horwitt said...

Good to see that my biography of Alinsky is on your list? Have you read it?--Sandy Horwitt

Monica said...

I'm honored to be included on this list with an article I wrote while organizing in college. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sandy, yes, every book I listed here I have read all or parts of!

Monica, which article are you referring to?

--radicalized (not signing in right now)

Monica said...

The interview with Dong Tizon.