Thursday, November 8, 2007

a vision experienced (in ongoing process and seeking your input)

Hey y'all, this is a vision i've been experiencing for awhile now. It is in process, and portions of it come to me suddenly at various times. Just now, for instance.

What if we stopped letting our imaginations be reduced into all these reductions running rampant? i mean, it's one thing to dress all alike during situations in which we may want to confuse implementers of state mandates (i.e. at stand-offs where folks wear masks and the uniform clothing), yet what of times when we don't have to?

Here i'm thinking of activating as much of who we are as individual human beings as we can. i'm thinking of, say, a painter, who wears their paintings. Maybe becomes a walking "tower" of their paintings. And also someone who loves stuffed animals --wearing them and even having them "riding" helium balloons (up to our imaginations!). And so on.

Imagine such diversities of humanity being panned by TV (which systematically tries to reduce us all into character-assasination-type reductions). Or mobilized settlers meeting up with *colorful characters*; i can even imagine some dressing as famed cartoon characters --would such persons be attacked?? If hundreds of natives wore Santa Clause outfits, wouldn't they *mess with* the same old game of polytricks/politics?! (my experience is that they would!)

Imagine implementers of the state being seen attacking people who are holding and carrying various Loved symbols of humanity. Up to your imagination what that means. Maybe you want to dress as a refrigerator full of food. Maybe you want to be a couch. How could it be done? How could our HUMOR be utilized in ways which *go outside the experience* of those whom are to be kept hyped-up and held on "the proper track" of fear and hysteria?

All i'm saying is, how to reduce and even breach the stranglehold that today's media keep on their unsuspecting audiences; and what imagery we can bring to these places to "bring home" our fellow humanity in SPADES! Even via our own media!

This is where i think the Raging Grannies have an angle worth playing with more. Even tho their politics are so damned superficial.

So far, i've seen people systematically tooled into not thinking, apparently, about what we wear and how we express ourselves when we go to the very serious situations affecting us. i see us human beings (across the spectrum) reduced by normalized ideas of politics and all the "values" that go along with such confined ways of thinking. i see us giving away our powers of creativity continually to these ideas we have in our heads about What One Is Supposed To look like and be like. i see this in every image i've ever noted, indigenous included. Oh, your indigenous regalia is another thing --BUT we settlers have been separated from that language-ing; so i say, if you want to reach the HEARTS and LIBERATORY DESIRES of potential allies in a larger way, you're going to "have to" seriously play with image forms of language-ing within *our* experience.

Do you understand at all what i'm saying?

And, yes, i have been and continue to play seriously along these lines! For instance, see:

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