(Still having trouble with "title" area, as it doesn't allow for the normal way, for me)
How To nip fascism in the bud: fascism watch proposal amongst other stuff
(this has been posted on several Indy Media sites; I will be monitoring when/if they censor this fascism watch regular idea (which I will post regularly unless input suggests alternatives)
by "Will I be Detained for Saying this? (scared but nonsilent)"
Nip fascism in the bud while you still can. Angus McKenzie and other principled dissident, ex-agents of the "central intelligence agency" (and such martial methods) like John Stockwell, have spoken to various lengths about how statecraft manipulates the mass into perpetual division; the pattern starts against those no one dares defend and "flowers" from there, continuing such deadening as we have seen over and over again in both her and history. Nip severe alienation in the bud while we still can! Proposal seeking input!
Main article:
"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship."--Joseph Goebbels
It's been a long time since I thumbed through Angus McKenzie's book _Secrets: The CIA's War at Home_ (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997, 241 pages) so I don't recall if he mentioned exactly how the handlers and designers of statecraft applications at home work. I do recall the heavily demonized Philip Agee (also an ex-agent) touching on how they carry out their "duties" in his book _On The Run_. Mentioning mainline media plants put into the news via patsies, for one. Ward Churchill backed one allegation up in his own book _Indians Are Us?_.
Anyway, my intention for this inflammatory (?) article is to create more depth to the watch of fascism as it tries to be heard OVER those it purports must be HATED.
But I'm seeking input before I jump in headlong. I don't know that much about other fascism watches, but what I do know, I feel right now anyway, is that they seldom demystify propaganda methods, for one. And, two, they seem intensely tooled by political confines. That is, the need to tow the dominerring propaganda line/method (in order to "survive" in the Given orders and their consequences).
...So anyway, I think I have an angle on this that the others don't have. I could be wrong! But so far I've not felt/noted the depth that I'm going to speak of.
So I'm going to attempt to share it. And all I ask that IF YOU MUST censor it THEN AT LEAST READ THIS IN FULL FIRST.
Namely, that there are many techniques that will be used (are already being used) to try to keep us from even discovering our metaphorically heavenish Great Spirit process-ing. The more we understand this and the severely alienated system which perpetuates its warrior tribal way on everyone else, the more we can play/work/act/respond to these situations arising.
That's the formal side, anyway; informally, the legions tooled into acting to seek to crush us are the informals who ought to be heard--BEHIND the intensities they've been trained to obey and implement.
I've discovered ways to reach humanity here and there that I think many around here may find beneficial. Just understand, I seek spanarchies of *mutually beneficial outcomes*, us all sharing our most wanted dreams!
And some cannot help but to be in more metaphorically hellish-stuck mindset than others. And they may not know what they do.
To sum up, the main idea is about informal evolutions of humanity's Great SpiRit! And if the hellish-stuck cannot allow for us to embellish such, then perhaps it is better i's stand first and bring out more truths! (for what it's "worth", i've put my life on the line before and will continue to do so, like it or not; some of us no longer have the "privilege" to choose..)
That's all for now. Perhaps more later, IF anyone gives me some feedback (of whatever sort)!
(this is going to be cross-posted in as many places as I feel like cross-posting it today; perhaps other places later, unless it gets swirled around in the Indy Compost Pile.)
(see Stockwell also on Youtube, along with other principled/'reputable' federal dissidents)
Friday, October 10, 2008
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