The Onkwehonwe author of ~Wasase: indigenous pathways of action and free-dom~ has kept a posting on hiz website calling to fight. What this may mean is explored in this sharing of a recent ish-you of a phuncadeliah zeen (with phight scenes)
To fight. To fight. What might fight mean to you? A whole array of intensity comes to mY mind.,,.
For Onkwehonwe and other indigenous folks who are being systematically challenged and pressured by military-types of war-style strategy, such could mean many things related to physicality. Or so says our general programming and encult-uration. ...And so says the continuing pressures that show us other human beings --who are still allowed the illusion of privileges-- the actual truth when it "really matters'.
Those of us not yet backed up against walls (in our heads or elsewhere), not yet having *reality* revealed to us, we feel in our hearts that there are ways to intervene, to interact with each other that bring out the hidden sistah and brothah; that loved human spirit we aren't usually able to truly deeply perceive, nor led to autonomously believe, or even wildly see ...that iz, as "reputable' and irrefutable,,,
So deep haz our general conditioning and socialization/domestication been!
So hyaar comz this 40 plus yr old white red/black/grey/cosmic mutt audio and bibliophile sayin there's wayz beyond perpetual Us v. Them, wayz we can still attend, ways we can still rend and defend
=--even on the offensive (or, in *cruciaL aRtz vernacular::"ophensive").
To *phight* from many angles, like this one, a "philiah" (psychiatric jargon for *love*) angle; jujitsu the professional (i.e. psychiatrick) labels and holier-than-thou chain-of-command, beyond the dark ages "fight' and into light ages phight. PHIGHT.
O' course, the stealth mental "health" planted in our heads says NO and *if you know what's good for you YOU'D BETTER conform! ,,,,,WELL IS IT NOT SO? Some narrative over-voice be TELLIN you you better move on to something *more serious*! Not somethin like THIS!
Thus, legions of folks/pholks are to be tooled by Same Old Again mind-set. Whole populations politricksterized in wayz they cannot, 'for the life of them" see and relate to. "All we can do" we're told over and over in classic repetitionist push is FIGHT as smashers, killers, crushers, blood spillers! You know what i'm sayiN
So how to relate, to bridge --as severe alienation continues? =--Only with guns and human stupidity???? =--Only in "Tried and True' truths??? Only in politricks (politics)??? Must ya'all FOREVER do as your told, even amongst your claimed alternative?
So follows a buncha art(e), along with an action i'm doin' NOW, wearin' a part; meant as a seedin', for y'all to taste as input!
an actual scene
earlier in the day, hair wildly tied-in with a real DEER ANTLER, and reddish-pink ribbon, carryin' neon green sign sayin' :::*TO POSSIBLY INSPIRE OUR HEARTS*:::and just as i exited my caveship, there he was, a soldier in blackn'white machine. Drove by, turned around, and i? i thot sure he'd stop me....but nope....musta read my sign!
Then o'er to the drum circle o' strangers, listenin' then sit-dancin' then jumpin and chicken- & daffy duck-dancin and more; and phinish'n me art(e) zeen too. Then jumpin inta their bizness and speakin, reflectin a bit o tha intense-ities i've been feelin', then articulatin --==--"You folks must get a lotta weird folks here." And then it was a joke, you know? And they liked it, cuz here i waz, crazy but articulatin', and tellin' about us all bein' descendants of tribes!
WoW, a small, tiny step after too long not doin.
Wanted ta go inta this here University environ with all that. But ended up (right now!) jus' wearin some strange outfit that isn't THAT strange, except for the green neon askin passerby "HOW DEEP IS YOUR ART?"
Tiny, "nothing", "hardly radical" if you wanna believe, but a PROCESSIN' to me.
Especially in the context of *knowing too much* (opposite of "ignorance is bliss"), of fearing so much; needin' to get back inta the spiRit of thangz, revvin up for some possibility springz!
2nd scene
gOOd therapeufinicky with b'ful lovely dude (in 20s) and we hung out and experienced much magick! Ohmy! (see the zeen) Hiz HEART ticklin my worn out old one with not-yet-too-beaten-down. Such magickal thingz that were happenin!
Took a good easy time and then got o'er hyaar, and now postin...and wonderin'...hmmmm...maybe? Maybe i'm makin waves in spirit'd dir-ectionz?! To students on their last week b-4 testy sprintin? How to art them in wayz that they might take with em?
(i've been long experimentin')(back in '03 over 20-plus places and cities!)(and before that? oh,...heh...before that! back in '93 and '95 hoooooooooo0ooooooooooo; chances chances taken to roustabout anglez, hoooooboiii! but now phine-toonin')==see some here::
What if
EVERY thing we do iz processin' YET ALSO *arting ourselves too*?
What if
You could reach behind the PAIN to the HEART of the hidden SANE?
...Now, the terrroristic powers, they are tryin to block any arisin' yet b'twEEn all o' us on the streeeet? OooO, possibility is EVERyWHERE, up to our imagin ationz! Open your eyez and see, there is SO MUCH possibility ==to PHIGHT with our hearts in full gear, to see our daily interaction as phight, dear!
Is your depth deep enough? How to know?
How about your fear? So pick and steer your own style!
So sit back and look and see if any o' this aids in your outlook, adds to what you'r already doin' or even more!
((the pre-seed-ing and phollow-ing is called "surreal" by otherz; i's call such an angle on the confrontational nonviolent tactics of da cruciaL aRtz---not martial))
Hear more of the depth insights of the Onkwehonwe author: www.taiaiake.com Compare and contrast with what you know!
Moved? perhaps you "should" join open-ended seeding discussions at www.anti-politics.net and other favorite intanet spaces
links with full art peices (8):